Konfigurace pro klienta
# klient
# server
remote I.P.ADRESA.SERVERU 1194
# certifikat certifikacni autority
ca ca.crt
# certifikat klienta
cert uzivatel.crt
# klíč klienta
key uzivatel.key
# The persist options will try to avoid
# accessing certain resources on restart
# that may no longer be accessible because
# of the privilege downgrade.
# Try to preserve some state across restarts.
# udrzuje spojeni nazivu, 10 (ping) a 120 (ping-restart)
keepalive 10 60
port 1194
proto udp
dev tap0
# ukecanost
verb 5
mute 10
# komprese prenasenych dat
# uzivatel pod kterym bezi klient
user nobody
# skupina pod kterym bezi klient
group nogroup
# Verify server certificate by checking
# that the certicate has the nsCertType
# field set to "server". This is an
# important precaution to protect against
# a potential attack discussed here:
# http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm
# To use this feature, you will need to generate
# your server certificates with the nsCertType
# field set to "server". The build-key-server
# script in the easy-rsa folder will do this.
ns-cert-type server
# Most clients don't need to bind to
# a specific local port number.
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